You Have Never Tried These Money Saving Methods


A girl called Melanie has written about some weird money saving methods that I know that you have never heared and ever tried. When I read about them, I just was thinking about the person who has found these methods, but I also wanted to share them with you.You will want to try all of them.  Let’s look and enjoy reading this  money saving methods.

Don’t wash your hair – Instead of washing your hair eery day, wash it once a week. Melanie says that it saves too much money, and at the same time your hair becomes more healthy and it doesn’t dry.

Don’t buy coupons – Buying coupons makes you spend too much money. Websites like groupon look like they save your money, but when you look totaly, you will see that you can find better prices without buyin coupons.

Make a time limit while shopping – It will make you buy just the stuffs that you need, and you don’t buy anything else.

Put a bottle on you toilet tank – Fill the bottle with sand and put it in the tank. You will save more than 100 dollars a year.

Pay only with cash – Wherever you use money, pay it with cash money. When you use credit cards, you think that you have much more money.

Save the codiments – If you eat something outside, take the left codiments by your bag. By this method you can fill your kitchen with sugar, ketchup, salt and others.,

Save the smallest amounf of money you find. Do not think that you don’t need these little coins. Many coins together will make a large amount of money.

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Sleep early, get up early – In this way you will save the electric energy

Make a saving competition with your family – It will make all have incentive to save money, it you give a price to the winner.
